Board Policies

Board Policy (BP) is the voice of the Board of Trustees and defines the general goals and acceptable practices for the operation of the District. It implements federal and state laws and regulations. The Board, through policy, delegates authority to and through the Chancellor to administer the District. The Chancellor and District employees are responsible to reasonably interpret Board Policy as well as other relevant laws and regulations that govern the District.

Administrative Regulations

Administrative Regulations (AR) implement Board Policy, laws, and regulations. They address how the general goals of the District are achieved and define operations of the District. They include details of policy implementation, responsibility, accountability, and standards of practice. Although procedures may be developed by the Chancellor, managers, faculty, and staff, it is the administrators/managers who are held responsible for upholding the specific information delineated in the procedures. Administrative Regulations do not require Board action. Not all Board Policies have a related Administrative Regulation.

Updating Board Policies and Administrative Regulations

District Board Policies and Administrative Regulations are periodically updated to clarify or change language, as well as to remain in compliance with new or revised California and Federal law. The Board Policy and Administrative Regulation Council (BPARC) meets monthly to coordinate the writing and revising of SOCCCD board policies and administrative regulations with the assistance of administrative and shared governance representatives. Recommendations go to the Chancellor’s Council prior to the policies going to the Board of Trustees for their review, study, and approval.

Each of the following chapters include sections for Board Policies and Administrative Regulations. It is advisable to refer to both sections for guidance on specific matters.

BPs and ARs

1000 Series - The District
2000 Series - Board of Trustees
3000 Series - General Institution
4000 Series - Academic Affairs
5000 Series - Student Services
6000 Series - Business and Fiscal Affairs
7000 Series - Human Resources
1000 Series - The District
Title Board


The South Orange County Community College District 1100  
Mission Statements 1200  
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2000 Series - Board of Trustees
Title Board


Board Membership 2010  
Student Member of the Board of Trustees 2015 2015
Board Elections 2100  
Election of Student Member 2105 2105
Vacancies on the Board 2110 2110
Duties & Responsibilities of the Board of Trustees 2200  
Officers 2210  
Committees of the Board 2220  
Annual Organizational Meetings 2305  
Regular Meetings of the Board 2310  
Closed Sessions 2315  
Special and Emergency Meetings 2320 2320
Teleconferenced Meetings   2325
Meeting Procedures, Quorum, and Voting 2330  
Board Agendas 2340 2340
Public Participation at Board Meetings 2345  
Public Speakers at Board Meetings 2350  
Decorum 2355  
Minutes of the Board of Trustees Meetings 2360 2360
Recording of the Board of Trustees Meetings 2365 2365
Board Policies and Administrative Regulations 2410 2410
Delegation of Authority to the Chancellor 2430  
Recruitment: Chancellor 2431 2431
Chancellor Succession 2432  
Evaluation of the Chancellor 2435  
Delegation of Authority to the College President   2437
Participation in Local Decision Making 2510  
Delegation of Authority to the Academic Senate 2511 2511
Classified Professionals Participation in Decision Making 2513  
Student Participation in Governance 2514  
Presentation of Initial Collective Bargaining Proposals 2610 2610
Conflict of Interest 2710 2710
Conflict of Interest Code 2712 2712
Acceptance of Tickets or Passes   2714
Code of Ethics - Standards of Practice 2715  
Political Activity of Board Members 2716  
Personal Use of Public Resources 2717  
Communications Among Board Members 2720  
Board Member Compensation 2725  
Health Benefits for Board Members 2730  
Board Member Travel 2735  
Board Education 2740  
Board Self Evaluation 2745  
Board Member Absence from the State 2750  
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3000 Series - General Institution
Title Board


Institutional Code of Ethics 3050 3050
Institutional Code of Conduct 3055 3055
Organizational Structure 3100  
Accreditation 3200 3200
Institutional Planning 3250 3250
Grants and Sponsored Projects 3280 3280
Public Records 3300 3300
Record Retention and Destruction 3310 3310
Public Communications 3351 3351
Immigration Enforcement Activities   3415
Equal Employment Opportunity 3420 3420
Americans with Disabilities Act and the Fair Housing Act 3425  
Unlawful Harassment and Discrimination Prevention and Complaints 3430 3430
Sexual Harassment Prevention and Complaints Under Title IX 3433 3433
Service Animals 3440 3440
Domestic Animals and/or Pets on District Premises 3441  
Campus Police and Safety Services 3500 3500
Campus Security and Access 3501 3501
Emergency Operations Plan 3505 3505
Public Safety Camera System 3508 3508
Workplace Violence 3510 3510
Reporting of Crimes and/or Safety Concerns and Notification Protocols 3515 3515
Registered Sex Offender Information   3516
Child Abuse Reporting 3518 3518
Elder and Dependent Adult Abuse Reporting 3519 3519
Local Law Enforcement 3520 3520
Weapons on Campus 3530 3530
Vandalism 3536  
Sexual and Other Related Assaults on Campus and in Campus Programs 3540 3540
Drug-free Environment and Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program 3550 3550
Alcoholic Beverages 3560 3560
Smoke and Tobacco Free District 3570 3570
Auxiliary Organizations, Including Foundations 3600 3600
Electronic Communications 3720 3720
Information Security Program Overview   3725
Information Security - Data Classification   3726
Information Security - Access Control   3727
Information Security - Physical Security   3728
Information Security - Logging and Monitoring   3729
Information Security - Remote Access   3730
Internally Developed Systems Change Control   3731
Information Security - Security Incident Response   3732
Information Security - Secure Operations   3733
Information Security - Network Security   3734
Information Security - Disaster Recovery   3735
Information Security - Cloud Storage   3736
Claims Against the District 3810 3810
Gifts, Donations, and Bequests 3820  
Speech and Advocacy 3900 3900
College Speakers 3905  
Unmanned Aircraft Systems 3950 3950
Recognition of United States and California Flags 3951  
HIPAA/CIMA Privacy   3953
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4000 Series - Academic Affairs
Title Board


Academic Calendar 4010 4010
Curriculum and Program Development 4020 4020
Career Education Program Discontinuance   4021
Course Approval (Stand-Alone and Non-Credit Courses)   4022
Philosophy and Criteria for Associate Degree and General Education 4025 4025
Certificate Programs 4027  
Academic Freedom 4030  
Textbook Adoption 4031  
Selection of Library Materials 4040  
Library - User Fees 4041  
Articulation of Courses and Programs 4050 4050
Delineation of Functions Agreement - Non-Credit Adult Education Programs   4060
Auditing Courses 4070  
Graduation Requirements for Degrees and Certificates 4100 4100
Independent Study 4101 4101
Career Technical Education Programs 4102 4102
Work Experience Education 4103 4103
Contract Education 4104 4104
Distance Education   4105
Nursing Program   4106
Honorary Degrees 4110 4110
Basic Skills Courses   4222
Course Repetition and Repeatable Courses 4225 4225
Multiple or Overlapping Enrollments 4226  
Grade Point Average and Academic Record Symbols 4230 4230
Grade Changes 4231 4231
Pass/No Pass   4232
Credit for Prior Learning 4235 4235
Academic Renewal 4240 4240
Probation, Dismissal, Readmission 4250  
Prerequisites, Corequisites, Advisories and Limitations on Enrollments 4260 4260
Field Trips, Excursions, and Field Study Courses 4300 4300
Study Abroad Programs 4351 4351
Community Education Programs 4400  
Student News Media   4500
Instructional Service Agreements   4610
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5000 Series - Student Services
Title Board


Admissions 5010 5010
Admission of Concurrently Enrolled K-12 Students   5011
Military Affiliated Students 5013 5013
Residence Determination 5015 5015
Responding to Inquiries of Immigration Status, Citizenship and National Origin Information   5017
Nonresident Student Tuition 5020 5020
Student Fees 5030 5030
Instructional and Course Materials Fees   5031
Withholding of Student Records 5035  
Student Records, Directory Information, and Privacy 5040 5040
Student Success and Support Program 5050 5050
Open Enrollment 5052 5052
Enrollment Priorities 5055 5055
Attendance 5070 5070
Adds and Drops   5075
Counseling 5110  
Transfer Center 5120 5120
Financial Aid 5130 5130
Disabled Students Programs and Services 5140 5140
Extended Opportunity Programs and Services 5150 5150
Student Health Services 5200 5200
Student Accident Insurance 5205  
Communicable Disease - Students 5210 5210
Shower Facilities for Housing Insecure Students 5220 5220
Student Equity and Achievement 5300 5300
Associated Students' Organization 5400 5400
Associated Students' Elections 5410 5410
Associated Students' Finance 5420 5420
Standards of Student Conduct and Discipline Procedures 5500 5500
Student Organizations at Off-Campus Locations 5510 5510
Grade Grievance   5530
Student Credit Card Solicitation   5570
Voter Registration   5610
Intercollegiate Athletics 5700 5700
Prevention of Identity Theft in Student Financial Transactions 5800  
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6000 Series - Business and Fiscal Affairs
Title Board


Delegation of Authority, Business and Fiscal Affairs 6100 6100
Designation of Authorized Signatures 6150 6150
Budget Preparation 6200 6200
Basic Aid Funds Allocation Process 6210 6210
Budget Management 6250 6250
Fiscal Management 6300 6300
Fiscally Accountable 6301 6301
Institutional Memberships in Organizations 6303 6303
Refreshments and Meals at District Functions 6304 6304
Investment Policy 6320 6320
Cash Management 6321 6321
Employee Indemnity Bonds   6322
Payroll Period for Personnel 6325  
Purchasing, Contracts, and Bids 6340 6340
Bids and Contracts Utilizing CUPCCAA   6345
Contracts - Construction   6350
Contracts - Electronic Systems and Materials   6360
Contracts - Accessibility of Information Technology   6365
Contracts - Independent Contractor, Professional, and Consultant Services   6370
Audits 6400 6400
Internal Audit 6401 6401
Employee Phone Allowance 6450 6450
Real Property Management 6500 6500
Security for District Property 6520  
District Driver and Vehicle Use for District-Sponsored Activities 6530 6530
Insurance 6540 6540
Lost Money or Property 6541 6541
Disposal of Property 6550 6550
Capital Construction 6600 6600
Energy and Sustainability 6601 6601
Native American Human Remains and Funerary Artifacts Discovered During Construction 6602  
Naming of College Facilities 6620  
Civic Center and Other Facilities Use 6700 6700
Traffic and Parking Regulations 6750 6750
Occupational Safety and Health 6800  
Hazardous Materials   6850
College Bookstores 6900  
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7000 Series - Human Resources
Title Board


Commitment to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Access 7100  
Authorization for Employment/Delegation of Authority for Employment 7110 7110
Recruitment, Selection, and Hiring 7120  
Recruitment: Management Team Members   7121
Recruitment: Classified Staff   7122
Recruitment and Selection: Full-Time Faculty   7123
Recruitment: Part-Time Faculty   7124
Verification of Eligibility for Employment   7125
Confidentiality and Conflicts of Interest in Hiring 7129  
Compensation 7130  
Salary Schedule Placement for Management Team Members 7131 7131
Academic Ranking 7133  
Collective Bargaining 7140  
Personnel Files of Management Team Members   7145
Evaluation of Management Team Members 7150 7150
Professional Development and Growth 7160 7160
Enrollment Fee Reimbursement for Eligible Employees 7165 7165
Academic Assignments for Management Team   7210
Duties and Responsibilities of the Faculty 7217  
Duties and Responsibilities of the Department/Academic Chair 7218  
Faculty Reassigned Time and Stipends 7219  
Substitute Classified Employees 7230 7230
Reclassification of CSEA Positions 7232  
Work Week/Shift Designation - Classified Staff   7239
Administrator Retreat Rights 7250 7250
Salary Schedules and Annual Step Increments for Management Personnel 7251  
Designations for Management Team Personnel 7253  
Classified Management Team 7260  
Student Hourly Workers   7270
Anti-Nepotism 7310  
Communicable Diseases - Employees 7330 7330
Health Examinations 7335 7335
Certification of Freedom from Tuberculosis 7336 7336
Fingerprinting of Personnel 7337  
Leaves 7340 7340
Industrial Accident or Illness Leave 7343 7343
Attendance/Absence Reporting Procedure - Faculty   7344
Catastrophic Leave Program 7345 7345
Employees Called to Military Duty   7346
Family Medical Leave for Employees 7347  
Reasonable Accommodations for Employees/Applicants 7348 7348
Lactation Accommodations for Employees   7349
Resignations 7350  
Disciplinary Action of Classified Personnel 7365 7365
Re-Employment of Classified Personnel 7366  
Political Activity of Employees 7370  
Retiree Health Benefits for Management Team and Academic Employees 7380  
Payroll Deductions 7385  
Employee Travel Program 7400 7400
Volunteer Assistance 7500 7500
Domestic Partners 7510  
Campus Police Departments 7600 7600
Whistleblower Protection 7700 7700
Employee Outstanding Service Awards 7850  
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