Whether you are a new student, a returning student, or need assistance, our colleges are here to help. 

Two college graduates smiling

Interested in Becoming a Student?

Our colleges have clear pathways that are custom made for each type of student. The first step is to visit the college you are interested in attending and learn about the entrance process.

Saddleback College

Irvine Valley College

Photo of 2023-2024 Student Trustee Hidde

Student Trustee

Each year the students in the district elect a student member to the board of trustees to represent their interests at all board meetings. The student trustee serves a one year term on the board. The student trustee pursues initiatives that improve student life in the district, including access to resources and increasing their voice in important district decisions.

Please click here to learn about the current student trustee, Katelyn Hidde.

student services photos with rounded corners

Need Help? Check our Student Support Services

The student support services offered are far ranging and include: help with admissions, career placement, financial aid, health care, veteran services, food and housing insecurity, accommodation for disabled students, sexual harassment, or equity and inclusion concerns on campus. The colleges can even help you find the right club or organization to enhance your student life. Please check out the services available to students at each college:

Irvine Valley College

Saddleback College

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Having trouble signing into your account?

Check out our FAQ / Help page for students. It will tell you how to sign into MySite, Canvas, college email, how to change your PIN, password, user name, and more. The colleges have email, phone and after hours support available for their students, so check below on how to get in touch if you have having account issues. In addition to account help, the colleges provide assistance to students for campus wi-fi, printing to college printers, and getting into the virtual computer lab.

Saddleback College Student Support:





After-Hours Canvas Student Support:


Irvine Valley College Student Support:





After-Hours Canvas Student Support:
