Welcome to the
South Orange County
Community College District

Public Notice
Regular Board Meeting
February 24, 2025

The Board of Trustees has identified goals for the 2024-2025 academic year: Board Goals 2024-2025

Presidents' Day Holidays
District offices are closed on Feb. 14 and Feb. 17.
Find a Campus
Our district covers 382 square miles and comprises two college campuses, as well as a developing technology & education park that fosters industry partnerships through career-ready programs.
Making a Difference
Our purpose goes far beyond teaching over 36,000 students each year. SOCCCD is a vital part of the regional economy, providing opportunities for residents to advance and make a real impact.

Jobs Created by SOCCCD
Total Income Added to OC Economy Annually
Average Annual Return for Students

I am impressed with the deliberate, equity-minded, student-centered approaches in SOCCCD & the commitment to advance economic & social mobility. I am honored to serve as chancellor & look forward to building upon the District's legacy of excellence.