Each year the SOCCCD Board of Trustees conducts an evaluation of its performance in order to continually assess its effectiveness. The process includes surveys of board members and employees, discussion of the surveys, and a workshop to review outcomes and set goals.

Board of Trustee Goals for 2024

1. Ensure the Organizational & Fiscal Health of the SOCCCD

Priority Objectives:      

  1. Ensure a Healthy Campus Climate Districtwide with the following activities:

    • Conduct district-wide climate survey
    • Support recruitment and retention of employees (staff, faculty, admin)
    • Support Mental Health Activities
  2. Continue the development of ATEP and collaborators
  3. Continue to prioritize student housing
  4. Create an annual budget workshop for trustees

2. Maintain and Improve the Educational Quality of the SOCCCD

Priority Objectives:      

  1. Advocate for bachelor’s degrees
  2. Support advances in technology
  3. Support instructional development
  4. Support guided pathways
  5. Monitor strategic plan progress

3. Support equitable student access and success

Priority Objectives:      

  1. Support programs that increase internship work in the community (e.g. College Corps)
  2. Support instructional programs to meet student needs
  3. Support programs that assist students financially (e.g. Learn to Earn)
  4. Set a strong direction for DEIA efforts

4.  Support enhanced district marketing and communications and external engagement

Priority Objectives:      

  1. Continue to increase marketing of SOCCCD to community (e.g. social media, publications)
  2. Increase community engagement opportunities for trustees (e.g. local city events)
  3. Explore shortening of SOCCCD acronym for branding
  4. Support Chancellor in annual State of the District event

5. Strengthen Engagement with Internal and External Stakeholders

Priority Objectives:      

  1. Create opportunities for board engagement with public (i.e. coffee with the trustees, etc.)
  2. Explore options to publicize when trustees will be present at various events
  3. Continue advocacy for district stakeholders
  4. Increase attendance at district events

6. Advance Board Governance & CEO Relations

Priority Objectives:      

  1. Continue to meet and talk with legislators
  2. Build in more opportunities for trustees interaction with chancellor
  3. Continue to build capacity for effective board governance

7. Establish and review policies to assure quality, integrity, and effectiveness

Priorities Objectives:  

  1. Include national legislative policy discussions and decisions in district-wide communications
  2. Continue to improve understanding of board ethics

Past Board Goals

The board committed to the following goals:

  1. Monitor progress on the District-wide, Irvine Valley, and Saddleback Strategic Plans 2020-2025.
    • Increase degrees, certificates, and CTE program units
    • Increase transfers
    • Increase participation of CTEOS
    • Reduce unit accumulation for degree completion
    • Decrease achievement gaps in disproportionately impacted groups
    • Maintain Adult Education and Emeritus program enrollment
    • Student-Centered Goal focus on Student Housing
    • Increase ATEP enrollments
  2. Support the development of baccalaureate degrees.
  3. Completion of the student housing feasibility study and analysis of results for future planning.
  4. Continue to develop the ATEP campus in the following areas:
    • Begin construction on Saddleback @ATEP
    • Finalize negotiations and approve ground leases with Advantech and PJRJPA (Goddard School); begin construction on each.
    • Continue to identify and evaluate prospective tenants for ATEP 
  5. Support strategies and budgets that ensure the long-term fiscal health of the colleges and the District, including identifying funding streams to implement the District-wide Technology Strategic Master Plan (DTSMP).
  6. Support opportunities to enhance safety and sustainability efforts in learning and workplace environments.

Board of Trustee Goals for 2023


1. Ensure the Organizational & Fiscal Health of the SOCCCD

  • Continue to develop ATEP

  • Support Student Housing

  • Ensure long-term Fiscal Health

  • Enhance Safety and Sustainability

  • Support EEO Plan and Priorities

2. Maintain and Improve the Educational Quality of the SOCCCD

  • Monitor Strategic Plan Progress
  • Support instructional program development
  • Support college Guided Pathways efforts to include pipeline from the K-12 to transfer institutions
  • Support workforce development initiatives

3. Support equitable student access and success

  • Set a strong direction for college and district DEIA efforts
  • Monitor College Student Equity Plans
  • Hold Board study sessions on equitable student access and success
  • Support removal of system and policy barriers to improve equitable outcomes

4.  Support enhanced district marketing and communications and external engagement

  • Enhance district marketing of the SOCCCD brand
    • Redesign the district logo with stakeholder feedback
    • Review and expand the reach of marketing campaigns within district boundaries
  • Support the Chancellor in establishing annual State of the District event


5. Strengthen Engagement with Internal and External Stakeholders

  • Participate in campus and community events and activities
  • Create opportunities for Board engagement with college constituencies (e.g.Coffee with the Board)
  • Ensure appropriate consultation with college constituent groups
  • Explore alternative sites for Board meetings
  • Provide trustees with communication materials (e.g., a one-page fact sheet on district/college Points of Pride, Legislative priorities, etc.)
  • Explore opportunities for trustees to advocate for SOCCCD and engage with the community (e.g., local newspaper column, speaking engagements, etc.)

6. Advance Board Governance & CEO Relations

  • Continue to build capacity for effective Board governance
  • Enhance the Board’s professional learning on key topics
  • Fulfill the Board’s fiduciary responsibilities
  • Advocate for the district at the local, state, and national levels
  • Maintain a strong Board/CEO partnership

7. Establish policies to assure quality, integrity and effectiveness

  • Consider key trends and issues in policy decisions
  • Periodically review, evaluate and update policies