Affinity Groups are a way for the district to promote the consideration of underrepresented students and employees. They advise the district on ways to help address diversity, equity, and inclusion.

District Recognized Affinity Groups

SOCCCD Women's Council

Supporting female employees

Faculty of Color Uniting for Success (FOCUS)

Supporting faculty members of color

Lavender Affinity Group

Supporting LGBTQIA+ employees

Middle Eastern & North African Affinity Group (MENA)

Supporting members who identify as Middle Eastern or North African.

For More Information

Anne Chua

Director of Equal Employment Opportunity, Equity and Compliance Programs
A304 Building
Irvine Valley College
5500 Irvine Center Drive
Irvine, CA 92618

Becoming an Affinity Group

Filling out of the district's Affinity Group form.

Creating a trust account with the District Foundation if funds are to be collected.

Agreeing and committing to the following shared principles:

1. Promote unity, connectivity, and empowerment of underrepresented students and employees.

2. Promote effective communication between and among college/District groups working on diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) efforts.

3. Promote and support college/District efforts to address diversity, equity, and inclusion.

4. Promote and support district and college goals for progress as stated in long-range planning.

Formal recognition on the District’s website.

An advisory seat on the District’s Equal Employment Opportunity and DEI Committee.

An advisory seat on the Saddleback College and Irvine Valley College DEI Councils.

Ability to share goals and advocacy directly with college presidents and the Chancellor.

Ability to reserve meeting rooms on campus through the offices of the VP Administrative Services.