April 5, 2023

Greetings SOCCCD Employees:

During the regularly scheduled board meeting on March 27, the Board of Trustees voted to amend Board Policy 7330 – Communicable Diseases – Employees, asserting that the COVID-19 vaccine mandate is no longer in place.

Additionally, the Return to Work Guidelines have been updated as of March 28, 2023 to reflect any changes to board policy and a number of other updates that are listed below:

  1. Updates to Prevention Protocols Contact Information (Page 7 Section B. 1 Investigation).
  2. Updates to Prevention Protocols (Section B. 2 Responding):
    1. 2b referenced to CDPH guidelines is now linked to said section of document.
    2. 2c Cal/OSHA 8 CCR 3205 language removed since CDPH guidelines supersede.
  3. Updates to the Isolation/Quarantine Protocols (Page 19).
  4. Added page 21 – Return to Work (RTW) from Isolation Authorization Request Form.

We understand that ongoing changes in policies and protocol related to COVID can be difficult to keep up with. However, we are here to help you navigate the changes through online or in-person support.

Your health and safety remain a priority, so please utilize the resources and tools made available.

If you have any questions or concerns, please refer to the COVID-19 Communications Page on the District Website for contacts and other information.